The Kuskokwim Ice Classic will soon have TWO open contests for 2019 breakup fun.

Regular Ice Classic sales (with that $12,500 jackpot!) will continue, but the warm winter has caused the Ice Classic to move up its timeframe for the popular Minute Madness. Minute Madness was planned to open after the regular Ice Classic sales end, but the warmest winter anyone can remember has caused a change in plans. Minute Madness has a separate jackpot and will now open on Friday, April 5 at noon. Click here for more details on Minute Madness.

As for the regular Ice Classic, please learn the Early Breakup Rule and plan accordingly. That rule states: If an early breakup should occur on or before April 22, 2019 at 7 pm, guesses must be submitted no later than the day before breakup occurs in order to be eligible to win.

The Ice Classic will not refund guesses to customers who wait too long to purchase or return tickets. Although we know it’s part of the fun, if you choose to wait to purchase or return guesses, you are running the risk of missing the chance to purchase or having a nonrefundable, invalid guess!

Continue to look for our sales groups at AC and Swanson’s and read below for all of the regular Ice Classic information about guess drop boxes, sales locations, etc.!

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