There is one winner of the 2022 Kuskokwim Ice Classic.
Huge congrats to 2022 Kusko Ice Classic winner Brenda Carmichael of Napaskiak. She had an exact guess for the time of breakup- May 5, 2022 at 6:05 pm- and was the only winner of the $20,700 jackpot. Congratulations!
Thanks to everyone who submitted guesses this year. You made the ice classic super fun and raised money for awesome groups at the same time! Breakup Bash is tonight, May 6, at 6:00 pm.
We also had three rounds of Minute Madness. The winners are: Round 1- Joe Dale of Bethel. Round 2- Ronin Keller of Bethel (Alex and Teresa Keller). Round 3- Crystal Samuelson of Bethel (via PKA). All receive a $10,000 jackpot. Congrats!